/B:The Internet is for Dummies Like Me! /S:MAINSCRN.SCR /M:What Is the Internet? /M:What You Need to Get Started /M:What `Being Connected' Means /M:Internet Advertising Makes $! /M:Register Today - Get More! /I:This program is brought to you by . . . /I: **************** /I: LongLastings /I: PO Box 519 /I: Coupeville, WA 98239-0519 ~ ^U+øùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùø^U- ^U+øùøù ùøùø^U- ^U+øùøùøù ùøùøùø^U- ^U+øùøùøùøù^U- ^I+What Is the Internet?^I- ^U+ùøùøùøùø^U- ^U+øùøùøùøù ùøùøùøùø^U- ^U+øùøùøù ùøùøùø^U- ^U+øùøù ùøùø^U- ^U+øùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùøùø^U- This book is about using the Internet to get Information and profit from that information. It is for those who are new to the idea of the InterNet and who would like to become part of the Superhighway. Getting connected to and using the Internet used to be tedious. It was difficult to navigate due to the large amounts of special commands you needed to know and type in manually. Also, you first needed to know where you wanted to go and who you wanted to contact. This took a lot of the fun out of using the Internet and made the job of navigating virtually impossible! While you still need to know the addresses (an electronic address similar to a postal address) of individuals or groups, you can easily a list of thousands of addresses to keep close at hand. The Registered Version of this program gives you 100 addresses of some of the most popular groups on the Internet, plus, the source for an Internet `Yellow Pages' which will easily put you in contact with the millions of users on the Internet! Internet connections used to, and still can cost up to $1500.00 per month! This puts using the Internet far out of the reach for the vast majority. Nowadays, all you need to easily use and automatically navigate the Internet is a low cost server who provides a graphical program connection which will automate all your Internet needs and which will connect up with the multitude of different types of systems used on the Internet. This may seem too simple and you may be thinking, "Yea, right! That's ALL I need!" However; rest assured it is simple and you can become a experienced Internet user within just a short period of time with the new technology. What you do need to know is who to contact, and get ahold of a low-cost Internet server. Again, that is where the Registered Version comes in. You will get ^I+all^I- the information you need! We will gladly send the names, addresses, and numbers of several Internet servers to you who will get you up and running on the Internet within minutes! They charge as little as $19 a month for your full access Internet connection and you won't be limited to the use of the Internet the way you would be if you used a service with only Email. Services which offer Internet Email may sometimes offer the ability to find a file or program on the Internet, but they rarely have the capability to download the file or program you have found to your computer! Crummy, huh? The company names we sent to you will give you full access to the Internet, and you can download as much as you like from the millions of files and programs around the world, just hanging around on the wires, waiting for you! The Internet is the world's largest computer network. It consists of literally thousands of computers which are interconnected and which can exchange information easily and efficiently. To get a complete picture of what the Internet is we need to take a step back in time to about ten or twelve years ago. Starting back then computer soon began to be commonplace in the home. Many people owned computers yet they didn't use their computers for much more than keeping track of bills, playing games, or writing letters. As the years went by and computer became more commonplace not only in the home but in the office as well, networking became more desirable. Networking became a way to send and receive information fast and efficiently. The Internet, started by the federal government back in the 1980's became a way to send and recieve information and files from any point on the globe! Little by little private industry, educational and medical institutes, and individuals began to compute on the InterNet. The federal government had no objections and soon, what began as a small endeavor became inconcievably large. Today, the federal government would just as soon get out of the Internet business. There are now many companies and individuals who have computer systems large enough to handle the incoming and outgoing information, and who are willing to do so. The Internet keeps growing and even though it has and is undergoing a metamorphasis, it is here to stay. The very nature of the changes going on at present, and which will most assuredly continue, are signs that the Internet will continue to improve, and you can be part of it! Most of the services on the Internet are free. Electronic mail and bulletin boards which host specific discussion groups, called newsgroups, are some freebies on the InterNet. People in these newsgroups get together via modem, to talk about specific things of interest to them. The Internet has become even more publisized due to the Clinton Administrations references to it. Those references spread like wildfire. The news media, Time Magazine, advertisements, art galleries, and even shopping malls now make references to the InterNet. To use the Internet, you don't need to be an expert in electronics or, telecommunications. The only thing you need to know is what tools to use and how to use those tools. That is the purpose of this book, to help you get started cruising the Information Superhighway! You can use the Internet for scholarly reasons, recreational reasons, business reasons, personal reasons or just about anything else you can think of for informational purposes. The Net does have something for everyone and the nice thing about it is that you can use the Net on your own conditions. Personal involvement on you part depends on you, while using the InterNet, you can: 1) Spend as much, or as little time on the Inter- Net as you like. 2) Make fast friends on the Net, or just become aquaintaces with them. 3) Be an observer in a discussion or actually take part. 4) Turn your back on something you find to be objectionable, or fight the good fight! ^B+-= Suggested Method of Reading =-^B- As with all books, electronic books are better understood are are more enjoyable when read in a chapter-by-chapter method. This is the approach taken by this book, so please go through this book chapter-by-chapter. You will have a better understanding when reading in this manner because the thoughts, reasonings, and information are laid out in a rather chronological order. ^U+Û°°°ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ°°°Þ^U- ^U+ÛÛ°±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±°ÞÛ^U- ^U+ÛÛ°± ^I+NOTICE^I- ^U+±°ÞÛ^U- ^U+ÛÛ°±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±°ÞÛ^U- ^U+ÛÛ°ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ°ÞÛ^U- ^U+Û°°°ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ°°°Þ^U- ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THIS DISK IS INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. WHAT THE READER DOES WITH THAT INFORMATION, IS SOLELY THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE READER. THERE IS NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. LONGLASTINGS AND/OR ANY OF ITS PRESENT AND/OR FUTURE EMPLOYEES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR FOR ANY DAMAGES, WHETHER DIRECT, INDIRECT, ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS OR OTHER INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ARISING FROM THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS INFORMATION. ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÝÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿Þ Ý³ WARNING!³Þ ݳ !!!!! ³Þ ÝÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÞ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ All information included in this program is Copyrighted. Any attempt to duplicate this information can and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. You may print out the files with your printer for personal reading and for personal reference, however; this is the only duplicating procedure allowed. Copyright (c) 1995 by LongLastings All Rights Reserved ========================================================== ~ [LINK: need.scr] ^B+ÛßßßßßßßßßÛ^B- ^B+Û * IBM * Û^B- ^B+ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ^B- ^B+ÜÛÜÜÜÛÜÜÜÛÜÜ^B- ^B+Û::::::::::Û^B- ^B+ßßßßßßßßßßßß^B- ^ <----------------------------------\ | \ ^I+ÛßßßßßßßßßÛ^I- ^I+Remote Computer^I- \ ^I+Û * IBM * Û^I- \ <--^I+ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ^I- / ^I+ÜÜÛÜÜÜÛÜÜÜÛÜÜ^I- / ^I+Û:::::::::::Û^I- / ^I+ßßßßßßßßßßßßß^I- <----------------------------------/ ^ ^B+ÛßßßßßßßßßÛ^B- | ^B+Û * IBM * Û^B- ^U+Your Computer^U- ^B+ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ^B- ^B+ÜÛÜÜÜÛÜÜÜÛÜÜ^B- ^B+Û :::::::::Û^B- ^B+ßßßßßßßßßßßß^B- ^ | ^I+Remote Computer^I- ============================================================================== There are three things you need in order to take full advantage of the InterNet resources: ^B+<*>^B- The desire for information. ^B+<*>^B- Being able to use a computer. ^B+<*>^B- An access to the Internet. The most important of these is the desire for information. If you don't have that desire, the Internet is of little use to you. While you don't have to be a computer specialist or rocket scientist to use the Internet, you do have to know how to operate a computer and be able to use programs and understand what files are. You will also need some type of calling program like Procomm, or Telix, both of these are Shareware products, or, you need a graphical program provided by an Internet server service. ^U+In the Registered Version you will get the names,^U- ^U+addresses, and numbers of some Internet servers who will send^U- ^U+their easy-to-install, easy-to-use, graphical, simply `click'^U- ^U+access to the Internet! To Register, return to the Main^U- ^U+Menu and choose `Register Today - Get More!^U- Below are some very basic terms called `buzzwords'. These are computer jargon terms which might help you. <@> bit = This is the smallest piece of information. It takes 8 bits to represent just one alphabetic character such as seen on this screen. Example -> T = eight bits It took eight bits just to produce the letter T. <@> K = This is a suffix added to numbers to show how large a file is. The term K comes from the Greek term Kilo, meaning 1000. In every K there is 1000 characters. Example -> 4.7K = 4700 characters. 4700 characters is the amount of characters in your file. <@> click = This is a verb which means "to choose something with a mouse and then click." This method of selecting a program function can be faster and easier than having to type in commands. <*> You will also need an Internet connection. If you belong to a local BBS (Bulletin Board System), they may already have an Internet Email service. If so, you will have been assigned what is called an address for you Internet Email. Email can be used very efficiently. It isn't graphical as the more expensive Internet connections, yet you can accomplish just as much, if you know how! If you don't have at least some type of Internet connection already, check out the local BBS's in your area to see which ones offer InterNet Email services. You can get a list of all your local BBS's from most any computer store. Some local newspapers regularly list BBS's in the area. Once you have an Email connection to the Internet, you will need to know what you want and who to contact to get it. ^U+The Registered Version of this program provides a^U+ ^U+`Yellow Pages' of addresses of special interest groups^U- ^U+which you can contact, subscribe to and use. This is a^U- ^U+specialized list, not found any other place!^U- Everyone and every group on the Internet has an address. These addresses are used the same way postal addresses are used, the only difference is, Internet addresses are electronic. The Registered Version of this program fully explains Email, how to use is and how to get ahold of virtually any address used on the Internet. No matter what your interests are, there is a special interest group, or groups which will suite your needs. =============================================================== ~ [LINK: connect.scr] If you have Email access to the Internet, you do have a connection, however; it is a very limited access and you are not actually `connected' to the Internet. To have an actual connection and be able to fully benefit from the Internet, you need either a direct link, or a dial-up link. There are several ways of using a direct link, but since this book is directed to the individual, rather than an institution or business, we will deal only with the description of a personal direct link. A direct link can be very expensive or it can cost next to nothing, depending on who you use as an Internet direct link server. What you need to know is who to contact in order to get an inexpensive direct link to the Internet. The Registered Version gives you such information. To find out more about an inexpensive direct link up to the Internet, Return to the Main Menu and choose, `Register Today - Get More!'. For now though, let's continue examining what a direct link is, what it will do for you, and how it is different from a dial-up link. If you have a direct link to the Internet, you are `connected'. A direct link to the Internet also gives you an easy-to-use, and easy-to-install, graphical, click-and-point way of navigating through the millions of files, programs, and mail packets throughout the world! All you have to do to find a file or program is click on a graphic button, type in a keyword description of what you are looking for, wait just little, and presto - the program finds the file or program for you! Want to send someone some Email? Just have your type your file ahead of dialing up, click on a graphic button, enter the name of the person or group you wish for the Email to be sent, and presto, it's on its way! Want to read your Email from others? Click on a graphic button again and you Email can be downloaded to your computer instantly for reading at your leisure after you are not online with your Internet server. There are some very good offline mail readers in the Shareware market. One of these is Silver Xpress Off-Line Mail System. Using a direct link to the Internet via a server is by far the best way of navigating the Information Superhighway. The other method of getting connected to the Internet is to use a dial-up server. This type of connection would come through a large bulletin board such as America Online. While they are a good bulletin board system in themselves, and they do offer Email throughout the Internet, you won't be able to download files and programs from the Internet through their system. What AOL does have is a method of finding files and programs on the Internet, but it is like a tease, you can't actually get them, just see they are there! So, by far, your best bet is to have a direct link to the Internet yourself! ~ ^B+Ò Ò Ò ÖÄ¿ Â Ò o o^B- ^B+º Ò¿ Ä×Ä Ö· Ò¿ Ò¿ Ö· Ä×Ä ÇÄ´ Ö´ ·Ú Ö· Ò¿ Ä×Ä Ò ÖÄ Ò Ò¿ Ö¿^B- ^B+Ð ÐÀ ÓÙ ÓÄ Ð ÐÀ ÓÄ ÓÙ Ð Á ÓÁ ÓÙ ÓÄ Ð Ó٠РĽ Ð ÐÀ Ó´^B- ^B+ÓÙ^B- ^B+ÚÒ¿ Ò ÖÅ¿ Ò^B- ^B+ ºÁ³ Ö¿ ÇÂÙ Ö· ÖÄ ÓÅ¿ Ð^B- ^B+ Ð Á ÓÁ ÐÀ ÓÄ Ä½ ÓÅÙ o^B- You and/or your company can make an extra $3000 to $5000 each and every month when you use dirt-cheap online marketing techniques! This method of marketing has been a well kept secret by a handful of entrepreneurs until recently! As more and more people connect up to the Internet for business purposes, as well as personal purposes, there has been an online revolution! This method of marketing is called "electronic" or "online" marketing. Online maketing is incredibly easy and gives you an advantage over your competition by increasing responses tremendously! The advatages of online marketing as compared to direct-marketing are extreme, to say the least! You can: ^B+<*>^B- Pre-test what you have to offer for just a few dollars before you spend large sums on conventional advertising to promote them. ^B+<*>^B- Reply to your inquiries electronically for just pennies and almost immediately. ^B+<*>^B- Run your entire business on "auto-pilot!" ^B+<*>^B- Post special files you create on commercial online services, BBS's, and the Internet to generate loads of business ^B+<*>^B- See your profits soar in just a few short weeks! Get ready for electronic marketing to literally change the way you do business! If you are in business, or are thinking about going into business, you probably are, or should be looking for new, low-cost, marketing. < Or > Let's say, maybe you are a fledgling direct marketer. You don't have a lot of technical knowledge, start-up capital, or maybe not even a product to sell. The Internet is the place for you! Thousands of people have started out with nothing and are now earning thousands of dollars every month using the Internet to promote their business. The Registered Version will give you the do's and don't's of online marketing. Your responses first responses will overwhelm you! Register Today and start racking in the money in just a short period of time! To Register, return to the Main Menu and choose `Register Today - Get More!' ~ [LINK: register.scr] ^B+When You Register, You Will Get:^B- ^B+<*>^B- One hundred of the most popular Internet addresses used today. ^B+<*>^B- Complete instructions on Email and how to get a list of virtually every addresses used on the Internet for Free! ^B+<*>^B- The names, addresses, and numbers of several extremely low-cost Internet server companies that will send an easy-to-use, graphical program used to navigate the Internet to you. Plus! These Internet servers monthly fees are as low as $19! ^B+<*>^B- The do's and don't's of advertising on the Internet. This is closely guarded secrets which you must have in order to be successful as an advertiser on the Internet! Without them your ads may not be allowed on the system. To Register `The Internet is for Dummies Like Me!, fill out the form below and send $19.95 to: LongLastings PO Box 519 Coupeville, WA 98239-0519 Circle Payment Method: Check - Money Order - Master\Visa card Master\Visa card number:___________|___________|_________|_________ Card Expiration Date:_______/________ Month Year Name:___________________________________________________________ Mailing Address:________________________________________________ City:________________________________State:______Zip:___________ Where did you get this program?_________________________________ -= Thank You for Registering and for Supporting the Shareware Concept =-